In Memory Of Little Mo 

In Memory Of Little Mo 


My own personal loss

The night my world changed

On the afternoon of the 28th of October 2018, I looked across to Mojo’s stable and noticed that she was laying down. When I popped out to see her though, she seemed quite happy so I didn’t worry. I thought she was just a bit tired and having a little afternoon snooze. When she was still laying there 15 minutes later, I checked again. This time I could see that she had problems. Her breathing was raspy and laboured, she was laying flat out and didn’t want to get up.

What happened that evening, were to be the saddest moments of my life. When Sarah, the vet from Milbourn Equine came out, and after examination, injections and discussions, we decided as a family that the kindest thing to do for Mo, was to let her go on her journey to Rainbow Bridge. We were all there with her and I knew that she wouldn’t be afraid laying with her head in my arms and Tash by her side in the stable that she loved so much.

It was all so peaceful. Mo laid there so gently and calmly with us talking quietly to her the whole time............and then, in that single moment, her head became heavy on my lap and our journeys took different directions.

Little Mo stayed that night, safely tucked up in her little stable, with our own special blankets covering her. She went to Cherry Tree the next morning for her body to be cremated and her ashes later to be returned to me in a beautiful scatter basket. 

I am so thankful that Our Little Mo went to Rainbow Bridge so calmly and peacefully and that we were with her all the time. I could not have asked for anything more.......

The following days

After Mojo was taken to Cherry Tree on the Sunday morning, I looked out of the bedroom window. It had just started to rain lightly and I saw the first rainbow that I had seen for a very long time. It went over the house and Mojo’s stable and I knew that she had sent me a sign to say that she was on her way to Rainbow Bridge. Even more moving however, were the rainbows that we would see the following day. Not half rainbows with faded edges, but full, vibrant complete rainbows, amazing rainbows, everywhere....

The following day, when Mojo’s body was being cremated, we drove to Kearnsey Abbey Park and we sat quietly in the car just looking out of the window.  All of a sudden, a most beautiful whole rainbow appeared in front of us. It was amazing, so bright and clear and I simply knew that Mojo was letting me know that she had arrived at Rainbow Bridge and everything was Ok. The amazing thing was that David and Tash saw the rainbow too and they were both in different places. Mo sent us one each....

She waits for me at The Rainbow Bridge....